Our Commitment

For the past decade, our company has been committed to helping schools in Peru's poorest localities. We have started a pilot project in the town of Huanta deep in the Andes in the department of Ayacucho. Our goal is to replicate it in the many schools in the poorest areas.

Viajes Pentagrama, parent company of PeruTourism and Go Travel, has for many years had a close connection with the school children of Huanta.

Our CEO, Rosario Chahud, spent her childhood in Huanta just during the time of terrorism and has not lost her connection to the place, still counting on local family and friends. She is well aware of the needs of the local schools.

The students have very low student achievement, low reading comprehension and very poor math skills. This makes the help they can receive, regardless of size, very important.

The town of Huanta, in the southern Peruvian Andes, like many other towns, is an area where poverty and pain meet in a heartbreaking way. It is here that the Shining Path began its terrorist activities in the 1980s, a situation that lasted for more than two decades and caused thousands of deaths throughout the country. To this day, the scars of the armed conflict and extreme poverty have not completely healed.

There are children who have to walk more than an hour to go to school, although the biggest incentive to go is a precarious "school breakfast" before classes begin. It is well known that without a quality education these children are condemned to continue in this cycle of poverty and abandonment.

Currently, we have hired an assistant teacher to help with the teaching tasks at the school and promote the creativity of the students with arts and crafts classes. We have also hired a physical education teacher and a psychologist.

But this help is insufficient for the great needs of infrastructure, equipment and school supplies, more teachers and other indispensable services for an education with a minimum of quality. There are many schools like this one in poor areas of Peru.

Join our cause

Our goal is to improve the educational quality of our children.

That is why we are working on this pilot project, which will allow us to define priority actions to help other schools throughout Peru that are in similar situations.

Join our effort and let's change the future of our children. You decide how to participate:

Monthly payments:

One-time contribution:

By participating in our project, you will receive constant information about our activities and progress to your email, information that you can also find here.

Receipt and Account Statement

You will receive a certificate of your contribution and a monthly activity report.

Want to join our cause?

You can contribute as low as $5.

Receipt and Account Statement

You will receive a certificate of your contribution and a monthly activity report.