
In the town of Huanta, in the Peruvian Andes, there is a small elementary school where the children need our help to ensure a future with dignity and possibilities. Our approach has four main lines of action that will not only improve the educational quality of the school, but will also improve the living conditions of the families of these children, who live in extreme poverty and in most cases are headed by single mothers.

  • 1
    Make up for the two years lost due to the pandemic. Latin America was the region hardest hit in terms of education during the pandemic, especially in rural and low-income areas. We are developing an educational reinforcement plan in the afternoons and during summer vacations, as well as improving the capacities of teachers.
  • 2
    Improve the school's infrastructure. Due to its age, construction materials and lack of maintenance, we need to take actions that allow us to have safer, modern and pedagogical environments for the children. Additionally, we are working on campaigns for the purchase of school supplies, library habilitation and physical education materials.
  • 3
    Increase the number of students and teachers. The school has a revolving problem where the small number of students enrolled means that the government assigns only two teachers. This forces the school to put the different grades together in a single classroom, which discourages parents from enrolling their children. Our goal is to increase student attendance at the school, either by recovering those who have left for more distant schools or by reducing the dropout rate in the area. This will allow us to break the cycle of educational deficiency in the institution.
  • 4
    Raise the socioeconomic status of families. The well-being of children depends on the well-being of their families. However, because the vast majority are headed by single mothers, they are unable to access stable jobs, but it also makes it difficult for them to adequately follow up their children at home. For this reason, we have developed a training program in handicrafts for parents, which allows them to make quality handicrafts, with original designs and allows them to associate, participate in fairs, business rounds, access to competitive funds and sell their work in our online store (link).

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