School campaign

Year after year our children start the school period with old supplies, broken books, inherited notebooks, uniforms in poor condition and inappropriate shoes. All this does not allow them to do their tasks satisfactorily, generates low levels of learning and concentration and puts them at a disadvantage in the future.

It is necessary to reverse this situation to ensure that children have a quality education and reach the levels required to advance in their studies. One of the main reasons for student dropout in Peru is low academic performance, which discourages them from continuing to study. Let's make this reality change!

By sponsoring a child we ensure that he/she receives a backpack with the supplies he/she will need during the year (notebooks, pencils, colors, rulers, etc.), school and physical education uniforms and textbooks that will become part of the school library. However, it is necessary to reach the goal and sponsor all the children. Your participation is important.

Share this link with your contacts and let's make these children stop being disadvantaged.

Join our cause

Each enrolled child needs school supplies, uniforms and study materials in order to succeed.

By sponsoring a child we will ensure that at the beginning of this year he or she will be prepared to fulfill his or her school activities.

Sponsored children: 15
Goal: 20 (50 Go to!)

You can sponsor more than one child:

By participating in our project, you will receive constant information about our activities and progress to your email, information that you can also find here.

Receipt and Account Statement

You will receive a certificate of your contribution and a monthly activity report.

Want to join our cause?

You can contribute as low as $5.

Receipt and Account Statement

You will receive a certificate of your contribution and a monthly activity report.