Guía de Viajes


Few countries in the world concentrate in a single place destinations of great natural and cultural wealth as in Peru. From the high Andean peaks rises the largest river in the world, the Amazon, which runs through a large part of the country, leaving in its path streams that create such perfect scenery and give life to priceless natural reserves for the world as Pacaya Samiria in the north, Tambopata and Manu in the south.

It is in this fertile and generous land that saw the birth of great civilizations as ancient as Caral with more than 5,000 years old but it is undoubtedly the Inca that has made Peru so famous and that captivates the hearts of the world at the mere sight of its great citadel of Machu Picchu.

We invite everyone to travel with us through time and the blissful geography that this fascinating country offers.

  1. Coast
    • Ica
      • Paracas National Reserve
      • Ballestas Islands
      • Nazca Lines
    • La Libertad
      • Chan Chan Citadel
      • Huanchaco Beach Resort
    • Lambayeque
      • Royal Tombs of Sipan
    • Lima
      • City of Lima
      • Caral
  2. Andes highlands
    • Ancash
      • Huascaran National Park
    • Arequipa
      • Arequipa City
      • Colca Valley
    • Puno
      • City of Puno
      • Lake Titicaca
    • Cusco
      • Cusco City
      • Sacred Valley of the Incas
      • Machu Picchu
      • Mountain of 7 colors
      • Humantay Lagoon
      • Choquequirao
    • Jungle
      • Loreto
        • Amazon River
        • Pacaya Samiria National Reserve
        • Madre de Dios
        • Tambopata National Reserve
        • Manu National Reserve


It was declared a protected area because it is home to a large amount of marine life, guano birds and migratory birds due to the perfect conditions of the cold waters of the Humboldt Current in the Pacific Ocean.

The reserve also offers other important tourist destinations such as: Lagunillas, beautiful beaches such as the most sought after, red beach and the Paracas candelabra that peeks out while visiting the Ballestas Islands by boat.


One of the most sought after stops in Paracas are these islands that serve as home to thousands of birds and marine species: pelicans, sea lions, Humboldt penguins, sea lions among others.


They keep a great mystery since nobody knows what their real purpose was. The Nazca Lines are a group of ancient and gigantic geoglyphs engraved in the desert sand specifically in the area of Nazca Valley, Palpa Valley and Jumana Desert. The most famous are geoglyphs in the shape of a spider, frigate bird, hummingbird, monkey, whale and astronaut.
In order to observe them in a better way, it is recommended to take a flight from Pisco, only 20 minutes from Paracas, or further away in Ica and Nazca.


The great archaeological complex of Chan Chan of 20 hectares of extension is the largest adobe citadel in America and second largest on the planet. Home of the pre-Inca Chimú culture. In it are 10 small cities where you can see palaces, residences of the elite, temples, administrative centers, mausoleums all beautifully decorated with geometric figures of fish and birds. For having such impressive architecture and great historical and cultural value, it was declared Cultural Heritage of Humanity and should be one of the main reasons for a trip to northern Peru.



Huanchaco is the most visited historic seaside resort in the city of Trujillo. It is known worldwide for being one of the first places in America where surfing was practiced. Historical writings by Spanish anthropologists and Jesuits in the 16th century confirm this fact. The peculiarity is that the ancient Mochica and Chimú inhabitants built small boats made of reed leaves and stems in which they could fish and swim. This is how the Caballitos de Totora were born and are still being built today.

This resort is ideal for water sports and of course the practice of surfing. While there, it is recommended to taste the exquisite gastronomy based on marine products: fish, seafood, seaweed.



f you want to travel back in time and see with your own eyes the most important ruler of the Mochica culture of the third century, you must visit the Royal Tombs of Sipan Museum. It is a museum that beautifully exhibits more than 2000 pieces of gold, jewelry, ceramics and funerary offerings. Its design was inspired by the ancient truncated pyramids of the Mochica culture. The guided tour is an experience from top to bottom in which you will be taken for a few minutes to ancient times of Peruvian culture.


Strategically located between the Pacific Ocean and the Andes Mountains, this city holds more treasures than just its preserved historic center and the bustling streets of the Peruvian capital.
Being the only South American capital located in front of the sea, it has viewpoints with excellent views from where you can watch a magical sunset at the end of a tour. The Parque del Amor, in the district of Miraflores and the bohemian neighborhood in the district of Barranco are essential stops for those who wish to see the most modern part of the city and take the opportunity to enjoy the excellent gastronomy present in the local markets or in world renowned restaurants such as Central, Maido, Astrid and Gaston, among others. Your stay in Lima will not be complete without trying at least a couple of typical dishes and a refreshing and delicious Pisco Sour.
This city was once called by the Spanish conquistadors, the City of Kings because they brought with them an architecture of baroque and renaissance styles that stand out in the beautiful squares, churches, convents, palaces and mansions with elegant traditional balconies of viceroyalty style. Because of this, Lima’s historic center was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1988.
While it is true that the city has grown a lot with the passage of time, it should not be forgotten that Lima also has an impressive past with samples near the city as the Huaca Pucllana, an ancient pyramid-shaped ceremonial center of Lima’s pre-Columbian culture between 200 and 700 AD.
Another important site on the outskirts of Lima is the archaeological complex of Pachacamac considered sacred by the ancient inhabitants of Peru. It was a very valuable sanctuary for thousands of pilgrims and inhabitants who came from the Andes in search of answers and advice from the oracle. Believe it or not, much has not changed as it is still a place of pilgrimage for all who take the time to visit and learn of its incredible history.
For those who enjoy going to museums, the Larco Museum preserves priceless treasures and is an excellent starting point for those who wish to learn about pre-Columbian culture, as it houses a collection of more than 45,000 pieces that tell the story of more than 5,000 years of ancient Peru.


 182 km north of Lima lies the oldest city in America, Caral, and one of the oldest civilizations in the world dating back approximately 5,000 years. It is a site of historical significance since it developed at the same time as other great cultures of Mesopotamia, Egypt and China. Many of the techniques and technologies that were later perfected by the pre-Inca and Inca cultures, such as the ingenious quipu, were invented here.


For its undoubted scenic beauty of the Cordillera Blanca formed by the noble snow-capped peaks of Huascaran and Alpamayo and its colorful lakes: Llanganuco, Querococha, Paron and 69 is that in 1985 was declared a Natural Heritage of Humanity.
It is also a mecca for adventure lovers because it has 25 circuits for trekking, ice and rock climbing, and mountain biking.



The colonial city of Arequipa is only visited by travelers in search of more extensive tours of the famous Colca Valley located on the outskirts of the city. However, its historic center holds interesting and worthwhile sites in the travel itinerary as the emblematic Monastery of Santa Catalina, a small city within a city according to the opinion of those who have visited it. Another place, the Cathedral is made entirely of sillar or volcanic rock that makes it stand out as soon as you enter the main square. It is here where you can also enjoy the varied gastronomy inherited from the Andean and Spanish cultures.


The Colca Valley is one of the most important attractions of Peru because here are located the Colca Canyon (one of the deepest canyons in the world), its thermal baths and the famous viewpoint of the Cruz del Condor, from where you can see the flight of the condors.
It is from here that tourists prefer to continue the route either by car or bus to Lake Titicaca, then to Cusco in order to reach Machu Picchu. It is such a beautiful route that it has become so famous that there is even the possibility of making the trip (from the city of Arequipa) in a luxurious train called Andean Explorer, the only one in South America.


On the shores of Lake Titicaca lies the city of Puno at 3,827 meters above sea level. Tourists mainly come to this area in search of tours to the islands of Lake Titicaca, however, the city is home to treasures that make it worth a few days of sightseeing.



It is a carved stone seven meters wide by seven meters high that apparently leads to nothing but has long been revered by the natives for leading to the temple of the illumination of the gods.


On the shores of the Umayo lagoon, 34 kms from the city of Puno is one of the largest and most impressive cemeteries in America belonging to the Kolla culture.


Located between the cities of Puno (Peru) and La Paz (Bolivia), is the highest navigable lake in the world and responsible for taking the breath away from everyone who visits it, literally, as it is more than 3,800 meters above sea level, but at the same time fills you with an incredible energy by the intense cobalt blue color of its waters.
Of the islands to visit, the small Taquile Island stands out, barely 7 square kilometers in size, where a community lives full of joy, color, customs and traditions that its inhabitants have managed to safeguard despite the passing of time. What stands out here is that it is the men who are experts in the textile art, with a technique inherited from generation to generation which is to weave with three needles while walking during the day. Those who have visited Taquile can truly say that it is one of the islands of Lake Titicaca from where you can et incredible photos that show how immense and magnetic this place can be.


This magical place can only exist due to the great ingenuity of its inhabitants as they are built almost entirely from the totora reed plant that grows on the shores of Lake Titicaca. The Uro-Aymara who live here have been able to take advantage of this material very well since they not only used to maintain their islands but they also use it to create souvenirs that they sell to visitors, but if that were not enough, they have been able to create their own means of transportation easily distinguished in the form of rafts and sometimes with the appearance of animals. If you want to have a unique experience it is recommended to stay one night in their amazing lodgings where they offer private rooms with bathroom and hot water like any hotel but unlike this one they offer a front row seat to those who want to see a wonderful sunrise or sunset in front of the lake.


It is here where the vestiges of an empire are housed, and although it was defeated more than 5 centuries ago by the Spaniards, today it is one of the places where the legacy left by the Inca empire is most evident. Touring the city is one of the best experiences you can have when visiting the country. You feel and live an atmosphere like no other thanks to the evident mix of cultures seen in the squares of the historic center and old neighborhoods like San Blas, Cristobal, Ana and Pedro but more surprising is to visit the emblematic temple of Qorikancha in the middle of the city, in which you learn about the origins of the city and in which they tell us about the impressive surrounding ruins of Qenko and Sacsayhuaman where for minutes we leave the city and we are transported to ancient times. But this is only the beginning of the journey as more places await us to discover en route to the greatest jewel: Machu Picchu.


A place of total admiration because it is here where the ancient Incas put all their ingenuity taking advantage of the temperate climate and geography to not only create impressive buildings such as Ollantaytambo, Pisac and Chinchero but it is here where the Inca laboratory of Moray is located, where they produced all the great variety of tubers that we see and consume today (Peru has 3,000 varieties of potato), corn and other vegetables. In the vicinity of this fertile valley, salt is also produced at almost 3,000 meters above sea level in the Salineras de Maras.
Because of its low altitude, it is the ideal place to spend a few days visiting the surrounding attractions, as well as being beautiful and breathing an air of tranquility and purity. It is also a must for those traveling to Machu Picchu, because it hosts two train stations: Ollantaytambo and Urubamba.


On the outskirts of the city of Cusco immersed in the jungle is where the true heart of Peru, Machu Picchu is located. There is not much to say about this Wonder of the World, it is a once in a lifetime experience.
The place is massive and it would take a couple of days to explore it in its entirety as it is not all temples and ruins, there are trekking options in the surrounding mountains of Machu Picchu Mountain and Huayna Picchu.
There are 2 ways to enter it either by train to the town of Aguas Calientes and then take a bus to the entrance or the other option is to make a 4-day hike (the long option) or 2-day (the short option) of the Inca Trail that will allow you to feel invincible by entering the Inti Punku (Sun Gate) at dawn and for a few minutes to be one of the lucky few to have it alone and witness such an impressive place without interruptions.


The Choquequirao Archaeological Park between the highlands of Cusco and Apurimac host the Inca ruins of what is believed to have been the last Inca refuge before the Spanish invasion. It is considered the sacred sister city of Machu Picchu for its similarity in construction and difficult access making it in 2017 as one of the best trekking routes in the world.


There are more and more publications on social networks due to this phenomenon of purple, green, yellow and pink tones seen only in this valley that seems taken from another planet. If you want to visit it, be prepared in advance, choose the ideal time to visit and follow the recommendations of the guides because the geography of this place is complicated, the altitude is very high reaching 5,200 meters above sea level. However, it is an unquestionable stop in Cusco and should be present in the travel itinerary.


Due to the melting of the Nevado Humantay at 4,200 meters above sea level, this magical turquoise lagoon is visited not only by tourists but by shamans to be considered sacred.


In the north of Peru, from the city of Iquitos you can access this natural wonder, however it has already made a long journey of more than 7,200 kilometers from the Andes before forming the Amazon River and continuing its journey through the territories of Colombia and Brazil. 


This is the largest reserve (2,080,000 hectares) of the national Amazon called Pacaya Samiria. Of great diversity, it shelters more than 1,000 species of fauna, including some endangered species such as the black lizard, river wolf and paiche, as well as 965 types of native plants. It is also perfect for various practices such as camping, trekking, bird watching, flora and fauna and speleology.


In southern Peru, located in the Tambopata River basin is the Tambopata National Reserve.
It is a protected natural area of incredible swamps, riparian forests and wetlands where you can observe the highest indexes of biodiversity in the world: 103 species of reptiles, 180 species of fish, 1200 species of butterflies, 103 species of amphibians, 169 species of mammals and 632 species of birds. Some of the places to visit are: the Chunchi and Colorado clay licks, Sandoval Lake and the Cocococha and Sachavacayoc lakes.


Between the Peruvian Amazon region and part of Cusco and Puno is located the natural protected area with the greatest diversity of the entire planet.  In order to safeguard, catalog, and make known to the world the great natural and cultural heritage is that it was created Natural Heritage of Humanity.
So much life is seen and enjoyed in this place not only for having the greatest diversity of reptiles, amphibians, butterflies and birds, it is also home to several ethnic communities such as: Kugapakori, Nahua, Matsiguenga, Harakmbut and Yine.
It is because of this wonderful natural environment that makes it so perfect to disconnect and let yourself be enveloped by the sounds of nature and finally find yourself.