Guía de Viajes


South America’s largest country possesses an extraordinary natural beauty that takes the breath away from everyone who visits it. With more than 2,000 beaches stretching along its wonderful coastline, it offers visitors countless options for all tastes. It also hosts incredible landscapes and ecosystems such as the Amazon River (Solimões), the Pantanal area and the Iguazu Falls. It is also home to a great cultural heritage due to the French-Dutch, German and Portuguese colonies that settled throughout the country but leaving more evidence in its beautiful buildings in the big cities of Rio de Janeiro, Salvador, Ouro Preto and one of the most picturesque in the town of Gramado. However, it is the African traditions adopted and perfectly adapted to the present day that make Brazil unique and stand out in the entire region. This rich mixture is reflected in its lavish and incredible carnivals of Rio and Salvador, the transcendental impact on its popular music such as the most listened to today, the Carioca Funk or the more traditional, the famous Samba and its derivative but more stylized Bossa Nova style. Of course we must not forget its varied gastronomy with its most famous dish and the favorite of Brazilians: Feijoada and other dishes such as Caruru, Vatapá, Acarajé and Moqueca.

It is also in Brazil where one of the Wonders of the World is located on top of the Corcovado Mountain protecting the vibrant city of Rio de Janeiro and welcoming with open arms to all who seek Christ the Redeemer.

Before traveling to Brazil, take a look with us at some of the most incredible postcards that this beautiful country has to offer and that you can’t miss.

  1. Northern Region
    • Amazonas State
      • Manaus
  2. Northeast Region
    • Maranhão State
      • Lençóis National Park
    • State of Ceará
      • Fortaleza
      • Jericoacoara
    • State of Rio Grande do Norte
      • Natal
    • State of Pernambuco
      • Recife
      • Olinda
      • Fernando de Noronha Archipelago
    • State of Alagoas
      • Maragogi Beaches
    • Bahia State
      • Chapada Diamantina National Park
      • Salvador
      • Trancoso Beaches
  3. Center-West Region
    • State of Mato Grosso do Norte
      • Pantanal
    • State of Mato Grosso do Sul
      • Bonito and Blue Lake Grotto
  4. Southeast Region
    • State of Minas Gerais
      • Ouro Preto
    • Rio de Janeiro State
      • Attractions of the Marvelous City of Rio de Janeiro
      • Paraty
      • Ilha Grande and Angra dos Reis
      • Buzios
  5. South Region
    • Paraná State
      • Foz do Iguaçu National Park
    • Rio Grande do Sul State
      • Gramado



Manaus is the gateway to the Brazilian Amazon and thanks to its golden age of the rubber industry in the early twentieth century, is considered the largest metropolitan area in northern Brazil, with destinations to visit and be transported to that time as the Amazon Opera House, the Adolpho Lisboa Market and the Palace of Rio Negro.

From the port of Manaus depart the most popular tours such as the natural spectacle “Meeting of the Waters” between the Solimões and Negro rivers (Amazon River), the Paricatuba waterfall, the waterfall of love and see glimpses of the multicolored marmoset, the endangered monkey in Brazil.


 The Lençóis Maranhenses National Park, located on the northeast coast of the state of Maranhão, is the perfect destination for those seeking magical sunsets and adventure activities in an incredible natural environment.
With a dreamlike scenery of white sands, dunes and crystal clear lagoons, it is a trip not to be missed. It is recommended to spend 2 to 4 days exploring this tropical desert oasis for this it will be necessary to have a 4 x 4 transportation since it is adapted for such special terrain.
There are many circuits, the best known is the Blue Lagoon circuit near the town of Barreirinhas, during the trip you will visit the Blue Lagoon, Preguiça Lagoon, the Fish Lagoon and the Emerald Lagoon.
As it is a National Park, it is necessary to have prior authorization to access certain parts of the park. The main attractions offered by this park are Lagoa da Gaivota, considered the most beautiful landscape of the Lençóis Maranhenses. Betania Lagoon, a unique experience due to the variation in the colors of the water in contrast with the dunes in the background. Emendadas Lagoon, accessible only on foot because there are several lagoons that are connected. Esquina de Atins, is a charming rustic fishing village located within the same park from where many tourists begin their exploration of the park. From here you can access the beach.


In the capital of Ceará, Fortaleza there are beautiful beaches in its extensive 16 miles of urban or rustic beaches making Fortaleza a favorite destination for many tourists who wish to visit spectacular seaside resorts or idyllic fishing villages. Some beaches to recommend are Lagoa das Almecegas, Lagoinha, Praia de Capim Açu, Porto das Dunas, Praia do Batoque, Canoa Quebrada, Paracuru, Guajirú, Amontada and many more.
Jericoacoara is a virgin beach hidden behind huge dunes that compose blue lagoons and calm seas making it one of the most beautiful beaches in the world.


It is in Natal where you will find another interesting route for those who enjoy beaches with almost 4 km of turquoise and transparent sea in perfect contrast with the white sand. The best known are Ponta Negra Beach one of the most beautiful and Genipabu with a privileged location within a protected area in the Genipabu Dunes.


In the state of Pernambuco we find colonial cities and natural attractions thanks to its location in the middle of tropical forests with islands and rivers that is why Recife is known as the “Venice of Brazil” for its numerous canals and bridges.
While visiting Recife you will notice the Dutch and Portuguese influence in its buildings. In its historic center the most important structures include the Kahal Zur Synagogue, the oldest synagogue in the Americas and one of the most beautiful baroque churches in Brazil, the Franciscan Convent of San Antonio.


One of the best preserved colonial towns in all of Brazil is located in Olinda, about 15 minutes from downtown Recife. Its historic center is a real treasure as it has beautiful colonial churches, old houses and numerous craft workshops all showing the cheerful face of the city with its colorful facades. It is also here where the Carnival of Olinda is celebrated, where music, African culture traditions and dances predominate during the day. 


Recife is home to the Fernando de Noronha Archipelago, named a Natural World Heritage Site by UNESCO in order to safeguard the beautiful ecosystem on the islands. Here you will find a fantastic sanctuary for sea turtles and spinner dolphins. In addition there are rays, sharks and an incredible variety of colorful fish in the coral reefs and rock formations that adorn each place. It is a place of total beauty, ideal for diving because of its crystal clear waters.


We move on to the Brazilian Caribbean in Alagoas on the northeast coast of Brazil where it is a paradise for snorkelers with the largest coral reef in the country. It is here where the beaches of Maragogi stand out, which are actually natural pools of warm and transparent waters that make it a paradise.


The state of Bahia surprises its visitors a lot because one would think that only highlights its famous capital Salvador with its beautiful colonial center in front of the sea, however we must not ignore and take the time to visit the Chapada Diamantina National Park located on a high plateau have high mountains that flow into beautiful waterfalls forming rivers and wide valleys. The highest waterfall in Brazil is Cachoeira da Fumaca, 380 meters high.  Cavernous caves also mark its rugged terrain, with Lapa Doce and Pratinha two of the largest.


It is in the state of Bahia that Brazil’s third largest city, Salvador, is located. It was an important center of sugar and slave trade making it today an important destination for its cultural value. It is a total delight to the eyes and it is truly a pleasure to walk through its Old City, with its colonial streets with impressive churches and squares. Its location is privileged to have access to beaches ideal for sunbathing, swimming and surfing after a day of exploring the city. Some of the most popular include Porto de Barra, Flamengo and Stella Maris.
It is also home to one of the biggest festivals celebrated in Brazil, the Carnival of Salvado, equal or more lavish than the Carnival of Rio.


Continuing along the Brazilian coast while still in Bahia we arrive at the beautiful and relaxed seaside resort of Trancoso, a favorite destination of young people for having a bohemian atmosphere where reggae is heard in the evenings and for the varied options of fun with an incredible sunset. The beaches to visit are Praia do Espelho, considered one of the most beautiful in Brazil, Praia Rio da Barra and Praia Dos Nativos.




Entering the Central West Region of Brazil specifically in the states of Mato Grosso do Norte and Mato Grosso do Sul means visiting the largest and most diverse tropical wetlands in the world in Pantanal with its 250 thousand square kilometers sharing this area with Paraguay and Bolivia. The fauna present here live in total balance with more than 6000 types of birds and 400 species of fish. It is also in this area where caimans and capybaras abound but what stands out the most in this place is to see the South American jaguar and Pantanal is the best place in the continent to observe it.


Going down to the south we reach Mato Grosso do Sul where the small city of Bonito is located between the Pantanal region and the Iguassu Falls making it a unique and unmissable destination for its incredible natural wonders, it is also the capital of ecotourism in Brazil. The excursions will take you through tropical forests, rivers of crystalline waters where you can bathe around curious fish of various sizes.  In Bonito you will find postcard-perfect lagoons and incredible landscapes inside caves. The most famous is the Gruta del Lago Azul (Blue Lake Grotto), with turquoise blue waters and two caves with delicate limestone formations; cavities with an estimated depth of 90 meters.


Ouro Preto in the southeastern region is the most picturesque and best preserved colonial city in all of Brazil, which is why it is a Unesco World Heritage Center. Founded in the late 18th century it was one of the main centers of the Brazilian gold rush, and the city is evidence of this as it is known for its rich baroque architecture, including bridges, fountains, squares, numerous churches and its steep cobblestone streets.


The “cidade maravilhosa” of Rio de Janeiro holds great treasures, loved by all cariocas and by all those who visit its attractions for a few days. And the fact is that Rio holds an indescribable magic that captivates at first sight. Its most famous attractions are undoubtedly the Sugar Loaf Mountain, the statue of Christ the Redeemer and the famous beaches of Ipanema and Copacabana, the Sambadrome and the Maracana stadium.
The Sugar Loaf, a mountain that is accessed by cable car and from which you get spectacular views of the entire city. The sunset from this point in Rio is truly magical.
The statue of Christ the Redeemer is one of the 7 Wonders of the World located more than 700 meters high. It is really impressive to be at the foot of this marvel from where you can also see panoramic views of all of Rio.
Rio de Janeiro is known worldwide for hosting one of the largest carnivals in the world, the Rio Carnival held every February. In this celebration there are large crowds in the various parades that are held around the city being the main parade where the samba schools compete in the acclaimed Sambadrome. It is in the month of February where we really see the city come alive with the joy of the Carioca people, which is when it is expressed with greater intensity and where you can experience a party to which everyone is invited.


Paraty is a beautiful colonial city for its Portuguese heritage has a historic center with streets and multicolored colonial houses, many of which now serve as bed and breakfast called inns. The most visited attractions here are the colonial defense forts that still have original walls and cannons.
It is also a paradise of tropical forests, emerald sea and coastal mountain waterfalls. If you are in the city of Rio de Janeiro and want to visit beautiful beaches this is an excellent option for its quick access, about 2 and a half hours by car.


Many tourists also choose to visit the exotic nearby islands of Ilha Grande and Angra dos Reis. Surrounded by beautiful vegetation with beaches with natural pools, others with crystal clear waters perfect for snorkeling and other perfect conditions for surfing. The best beaches: Lopes Mendes, Trindade, Aventureiros, Japariz, Lagoa Azul or Lagoa Verde.


Buzios is another favorite destination for tourists thanks to its 23 beaches spread along its 8 kilometers. It is here that the nightlife is very lively with clubs, restaurants and trendy bars.


In the state of Paraná lies one of the most impressive natural wonders of the world, the Iguazu Falls which straddle the border between Argentina and Brazil.
The Foz do Iguaçu National Park is a dense tropical rainforest surrounded by many waterfalls making it the largest waterfall system in the world. Although Argentina owns 80% of the waterfalls, it is from the Brazilian side that you have almost immediate access, just a few minutes from the entrance to the park. A trip to Brazil would not be complete without considering a space in the itinerary to visit such an important destination.


Gramado, colonized by Germans at the end of the 19th century, is located in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, the Switzerland of Brazil. You only need to walk a few seconds and notice the outstanding alpine style in its beautiful architecture, taste a delicious beer or wine in one of its taverns and finally eat a piece of delicious chocolate!